Friday, March 20, 2009

Pulse Oximeters part 3

In general, the pulse oxygen saturation in normal people should be above 95%. In patients with lung disease and heart disease, the oxygen saturation may be lower. When the pulse oximeter reads less than 88%, the individual has signs of respiratory distress.

Pulse oximeters available today are very sensitive and reliable. The degree of accuracy has led to their widespread use not only in the hospital setting, but also for use in ambulatory medicine, outpatient or walk in clinics and even at home.

Advances in Oximetry have now led to the development of devices which can also measure the levels of carbon dioxide at the skin level. The pulse oximeter had been of a tremendous advance in medicine and serves as a vital tool for monitoring the oxygen status of an individual. The cost of pulse Oximetry is variable depending on the type one wants. The price ranges from $170-$950

For more on pulse oximeters, please visit

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