Friday, February 13, 2009

Bed Wetting 2

In the years past, it was widely thought that psychological trauma was the cause of this disorder. Today, it is believed that the psychological problems are as a result of bed wetting. So far not a single study has shown that children with bed wetting have a higher incidence of psychological problems compared to the normal population. Bedwetting is not an act of defiance, rebellion nor is it linked to any type of personality disorder.

While primary enuresis may occur without a cause, there are secondary causes of nocturnal enuresis. These include trauma to the spinal cord, congenital spinal cord deformities, posterior urethral valves in boys and ectopic (abnormal origin or location) ureters in girls. Sometimes children who have severe constipation may also present with bed wetting.

Investigations for bed wetting depend on the physical findings and laboratory work up. If the physical exam is unremarkable and the urinalysis is normal, then no further work up is required. Individuals who are found to have urinary tract infection or physical abnormalities of the spinal cord, usually have to undergo more testing.

For more information on supplies and products for bed wetting, please visit

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